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Centro Medico Reque has one of the latest generation of Focal Shock Wave equipment, the Dornier Aries 2.

DORNIER ARIES 2 with electromagnetic generator and focused wave with low, medium and medium-high power.

We have the most advanced technology, radial and focal shock waves for tendon pathologies, calcifications, spurs and even delayed fracture consolidation, Morton's neuroma, vascular erectile dysfunction, peyronie's disease... and much more.

The shock wave has been used for many years in the fragmentation of kidney stones (lithotripsy), today used clinically in orthopedics, traumatology, sports medicine and urology.

DORNIER ARIES 2 uses an electromagnetic generator manufactured by Dornier. These shocks or focal impacts cause biological and mechanical effects. They are analgesic at low energy, metabolic at medium energy and cause cavitation or microfractures at high energy. In general, we can say that these sound waves activate the repair mechanisms of each individual, and also help to reduce sensitivity and pain.

  • ANALGESIC EFFECT: Immediate after application.
  • ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECT: degradation of inflammatory mediators by the hyperemia produced.
  • NEOVASCULARIZATION EFFECT: Stimulation of vascularization in avascular or poorly vascularized tissues, thus promoting the recruitment of stem cells and the release of local growth factors, stimulation or reactivation of tissue regeneration and thus tendon healing.
  • CAVITATION EFFECT: Generation of bubble movement in a liquid, producing a micromechanical effect on body tissues.
  • In the case of CALCIFICANT TENDINITIS there is a fragmentation and cavitation of the amorphous calcifications, producing a disorganization and disintegration of the calcium deposits. We therefore avoid surgery.
  • NEOSTEOGENESIS: by stimulating osteogenic factors by osteogenic micronization. Very indicated therefore in delayed fracture consolidation.

It is a safe and non-aggressive treatment option, which in a large percentage of cases, relieves pain and provides a progressive recovery of the injury, with few side effects and these, if any, are mild.

Shock Wave Generator

The system we use, DORNIER ARIES 2, which is approved for use in the United States by the F.D.A., is based on an electromagnetic wave emitter (EMSE) acting in a similar way to a sound loudspeaker.

An acoustic lens is placed in front of it, which focuses the waves generated until they converge at a certain point, reaching up to 8 cm, depending on the objective.

Effects of shock waves on tissues

Multiple effects of shock waves have been postulated, some of them under study, as well as multiple applications that are currently being experimented in different parts of the world.

There are 2 types of effects. Direct ones caused by the positive shock wave. And indirect ones caused by the secondary waves and the negative pressure phase, which causes cavitation of the area and a whirlpool or turbine effect much more important when there is a calcification or acts at the interface between soft tissues and bone. This causes changes in the structure of the tissues.

Among the numerous studies, effects have been seen on:

  • Nerve tissue: No appreciable damage is observed on neural tissue, although direct use on large nerves is contraindicated as a precaution. In our center we apply it successfully in herniated discs and neuralgia.
  • Bone: induces bone generation by increasing osteoblastic and perostic cell differentiation and generation of new vascular supply. Increases vascularization of the spongy bone and favors the inflammatory cicatricial reaction.
  • Tendons: in no case, regardless of the intensity of the dose, has loss of continuity or tendon rupture been observed. In experimental studies histological changes have been observed showing inflammatory reaction and peripheral hypervascularity, increase of fibroblasts and generation of tendon matrix.
  • On Calcifications: it acts producing fragmentation and breakage of the same and proliferation of blood vessels that increase the capacity of reabsorption.

Indications for shock waves

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ECT) is used in numerous pathologies:

  • Tendinitis: in epicondylitis, achilles tendinitis, patellar tendinitis, trochanteritis and rotator cuff as well as plantar fasciitis and scar-like pain in other tendon and ligament insertions.
  • Calcifications: calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder, calcifications within the elbow, patellar, achilles and calcaneal spur enthesopathies.
  • Herniated Disc: Post-surgical fibrosis after spine surgery.
  • Osteonecrosis or avascualar necrosis: It has been used successfully in avascualar necrosis of the femoral head.
  • Pseudoarthrosis or consilidation delays: a technique that is harmless to the bone and avoids repeated surgeries on numerous occasions.
  • Sprains: Capsuloligamentous lesions, especially in badly healed sprains.
  • Postlesional scar fibrosis: in muscle injuries, poorly healed fibrillar rupture.
  • Vascular erectile dysfunction.
  • Peronie's disease.
  • Treatment of myofascial trigger points.
  • Morton's neuroma.
  • Proximal iliotibial band friction syndrome.

Sessions, post-application treatment and results

Sessions can be up to 3 per week depending on the intensity and number of shots.

After treatment the patient may notice an immediate analgesic effect but the pain may return within a few hours and even become a little more acute, so the use of analgesia and application of local cold is recommended.

The results are evaluated from the 4th week after the application of shock waves, remembering that their improvement is progressive, being frequent to find improvements after a period of 3 or even 6 months in chronic pathologies and much faster in acute pathologies.

Call us for an appointment... and start feeling better tomorrow!